Shot to Shot Strokes Gained
We display your entire round on a shot to shot basis, helping you understand what happens on each shot, on each hole, in chronological order.
Shot to Shot Strokes Gained
Strokes Gained is a very powerful methodology that will help you find the nuances of your golf performance that are otherwise very difficult to measure. The name is a bit misleading though, as you’re not always ‘gaining strokes’; a better definition in our opinion would be that “it explains your performance in relation to a set benchmark”.
In Anova™, your shots in any round you add will be displayed on chronological order, on a shot by shot basis. This helps you go back and review the entire round, and a coach can review a player’s round without being there live to watch.
our features
Fast Round Entry
Get the maximum amount of output despite only entering a minimum amount of shot information. Round entry takes as fast as 3 minutes with our iPhone app
Strokes Gained in 26 categories
Analyze your game with our powerful Strokes Gained analysis. It will tell you exactly in what category you are gaining or losing strokes in comparison to an average tour player, vital information you need in order to improve.
Personal Strokes Gained
Our innovative Personal Strokes Gained analysis gives you an immediate answer by comparing your recent rounds to that of your normal performance. What have I been doing better or worse recently? The PSG analysis gives you quick answers.
iPhone App
Access your Anova.Golf account on the go with our iPhone app! When using the app to add their rounds, our players report that they add their rounds 25% faster.
Intuitive Dashboard
If you're looking to get a quick overview of your stats, our dashboard is the way to go. Although we measure over 500 variables, here you can grab a quick look at some of the most important key performance indicators.
Easy to use interface
Our data are organized according to shot type and categories, but you are also able to see them all at once.
How many holes have you gone without a 3-putt? Anova.Golf will keep track of this for you, along with 16 other interesting streaks.
20 Benchmarks
Analyze your game against other Anova.Golf users, or use any of our 20 other benchmarks to help you set an appropriate target performance level.
Get your coach involved
Easily connect your Anova.Golf account with your coach. Improvement at the highest level requires a very precise feedback loop, and Anova.Golf gives your coach shot-by-shot information about your rounds - the next best thing to being there and watching you play in person.
Anova.Golf generates over 500 different variables. This isn't to overwhelm you, but instead to give you the opportunity to really dig deep into your performance, and to find performance gaps that will help you take your game to the next level.
Our platform looks great on any device, so you can always access your Anova.Golf account, even if you're on the go.
Used on Tour
Anova.Golf has been used on many of the world's biggest tours, including the European Tour, Web.Com Tour, Asian Tour, PGA Tour of Australia, LPGA Tour, LET, and many more.
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